ldsCtrlEst_h/lds_fit_ssid.h #
subspace identification More…
Namespaces #
Name |
lds Linear Dynamical Systems (LDS) namespace. |
Classes #
Name | |
class | lds::SSID |
Detailed Description #
This file declares and partially defines a template type by which LDS models are fit by a subspace identification (SSID) algorithm ([lds::SSID](/lds-ctrl-est/docs/api/classes/classlds_1_1ssid/)<Fit>
References: [1] van Overschee P, de Moore B. (1996) Subspace Identification for Linear Systems. Boston: Springer.
Source code #
//===-- ldsCtrlEst_h/lds_fit_ssid.h - SSID Fit ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2021 Michael Bolus
// Copyright 2021 Georgia Institute of Technology
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "lds_fit.h"
namespace lds {
template <typename Fit>
class SSID {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<lds::Fit, Fit>::value,
"Fit must be derived from lds::Fit type.");
SSID() = default;
SSID(size_t n_x, size_t n_h, data_t dt,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& u_train,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& z_train,
const Vector& d = Vector(1).fill(-kInf));
std::tuple<Fit, Vector> Run(SSIDWt ssid_wt);
std::tuple<UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>, UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>>
ReturnData() {
auto tuple = std::make_tuple(std::move(u_), std::move(z_));
u_ = UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>();
z_ = UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>();
return tuple;
void CalcD(data_t t_silence = 0.1, data_t thresh_silence = 0.001);
void CreateHankelDataMat();
virtual void DecomposeData() = 0;
void CalcSVD(SSIDWt wt);
void Solve(data_t wt_dc);
void RecomputeExtObs();
// input/output training data
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2> u_;
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2> z_;
Matrix D_;
Fit fit_;
Matrix g_dc_;
data_t dt_{};
size_t n_u_{};
size_t n_x_{};
size_t n_y_{};
size_t n_h_{};
size_t n_trials_{};
std::vector<size_t> n_t_;
size_t n_t_tot_{};
Matrix L_;
Vector s_;
Matrix ext_obs_t_;
template <typename Fit>
SSID<Fit>::SSID(size_t n_x, size_t n_h, data_t dt,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& u_train,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& z_train, const Vector& d) {
// check input/output data dimensions are consistent
if (z_train.size() != u_train.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"I/O training data have different number of trials.");
n_trials_ = u_train.size();
n_t_tot_ = 0;
n_t_ = std::vector<size_t>(n_trials_);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < n_trials_; trial++) {
if ( != {
throw std::runtime_error(
"I/O training data have different number of time steps.");
n_t_[trial] =;
n_t_tot_ += n_t_[trial];
dt_ = dt;
n_x_ = n_x;
n_u_ =;
n_y_ =;
n_h_ = n_h;
// dimensionality check for eventual block-hankel data matrix
size_t len = n_t_tot_ - 2 * n_h_ + 1;
if (len < (2 * n_h_ * (n_u_ + n_y_))) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Dataset problem! More rows than columns in block-hankel data "
"matrix: 2*(n_u+n_y)*n_h > data-length! Need higher data-length or "
"lower n_h.";
throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
fit_ = Fit(n_u_, n_x_, n_y_, dt_);
u_ = std::move(u_train);
z_ = std::move(z_train);
if (!d.is_finite() || (d.n_rows != n_y_)) {
// TODO(mfbolus): implement least-square solution for impulse response with
// a second input of ones. Data-driven way of accounting for offset *not*
// driven by an input.
// For now, calculate output bias (d) as the
// output wherever the stimulus has not been on for some amount of time.
// convolve u with rectangle and take all samples. This is a reasonable
// approach, since often when autonomous systems are fit (i.e., systems with
// no input), they will subtract off the mean of the output. This
// essentially amounts to setting output bias to the mean of the output when
// there is no stimulation.
data_t t_silence = 0.1;
data_t thresh_silence = 0.001;
CalcD(t_silence, thresh_silence);
} else {
template <typename Fit>
std::tuple<Fit, Vector> SSID<Fit>::Run(SSIDWt ssid_wt) {
// the weight on minimizing dc I/O gain only works for gaussian,
// and hopefully not necessary with appropriate dataset.
data_t wt_dc = 0;
// std::cout << "creating hankel mat\n";
// std::cout << "decomposing data\n";
// std::cout << "calculating svd\n";
// std::cout << "solving for params\n";
// std::cout << "fin\n";
return std::make_tuple(fit_, s_);
template <typename Fit>
void SSID<Fit>::CalcD(data_t t_silence, data_t thresh_silence) {
Vector d(, fill::zeros);
Vector win(static_cast<size_t>(t_silence / dt_), fill::ones);
Vector sum_z_silence(n_y_, fill::zeros);
size_t n_silence(0);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < u_.size(); trial++) {
// find silent samples
// start by convolving with
Vector sum_u = vectorise(sum(abs(, 0));
Vector u_conv = conv(sum_u, win, "same");
// get only the samples that are silent...
arma::uvec ubi_silence = find(u_conv <= thresh_silence);
if (ubi_silence.n_elem > 0) {
sum_z_silence += arma::sum(, 1);
n_silence += ubi_silence.n_elem;
if (n_silence > 0) {
d = sum_z_silence / n_silence;
template <typename Fit>
void SSID<Fit>::CreateHankelDataMat() {
// temporary copy of data
Matrix z(n_y_, n_t_tot_, fill::zeros);
Matrix u(n_u_, n_t_tot_, fill::zeros);
size_t so_far(0);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
z.submat(0, so_far, n_y_ - 1, so_far + - 1) =;
u.submat(0, so_far, n_u_ - 1, so_far + - 1) =;
so_far +=;
// remove output bias
z.each_col() -= fit_.d();
// calculate I/O gain @ DC while data in convenient form
g_dc_ = z * pinv(u);
// std::cout << "G0_data = " << g_dc_ << "\n";
// create hankel data matrix
size_t len = z.n_cols - 2 * n_h_ + 1; // data length in hankel mat
// block-hankel data matrix
D_ = Matrix(2 * n_h_ * (n_u_ + n_y_), len, fill::zeros);
// past input
auto u_p = D_.submat(0, 0, n_h_ * n_u_ - 1, len - 1);
// future input
auto u_f = D_.submat(n_h_ * n_u_, 0, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_ - 1, len - 1);
// past output
auto y_p =
D_.submat(2 * n_h_ * n_u_, 0, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1, len - 1);
// future output
auto y_f = D_.submat(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_), 0,
2 * n_h_ * (n_u_ + n_y_) - 1, len - 1);
size_t idx = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < len; k++) {
idx = 0;
for (size_t kk = k; kk < (n_h_ + k); kk++) {
u_p.col(k).subvec(idx, idx + n_u_ - 1) = u.col(kk);
idx += n_u_;
idx = 0;
for (size_t kk = (n_h_ + k); kk < (2 * n_h_ + k); kk++) {
u_f.col(k).subvec(idx, idx + n_u_ - 1) = u.col(kk);
idx += n_u_;
idx = 0;
for (size_t kk = k; kk < (n_h_ + k); kk++) {
y_p.col(k).subvec(idx, idx + n_y_ - 1) = z.col(kk);
idx += n_y_;
idx = 0;
for (size_t kk = (n_h_ + k); kk < (2 * n_h_ + k); kk++) {
y_f.col(k).subvec(idx, idx + n_y_ - 1) = z.col(kk);
idx += n_y_;
D_ /= sqrt(static_cast<data_t>(len));
// template <typename Fit>
// void SSID<Fit>::DecomposeData() {
// // do LQ decomp instead of calculating covariance expensive way
// // Note that "R" in van Overschee is lower-triangular (L), not "R" in QR
// // decomp. Very confusing.
// Matrix q_t;
// lq(L_, q_t, D_);
// // van Overschee zeros out the other elements.
// L_ = trimatl(L_);
// }
template <typename Fit>
void SSID<Fit>::CalcSVD(SSIDWt wt) {
// submats that will be needed:
auto R_14_14 = L_.submat(0, 0, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1);
auto R_11_14 = L_.submat(0, 0, n_h_ * n_u_ - 1, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1);
auto R_11_13 = L_.submat(0, 0, n_h_ * n_u_ - 1, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_) - 1);
auto R_23_13 =
L_.submat(n_h_ * n_u_, 0, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_ - 1, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_ - 1);
auto R_44_14 = L_.submat(2 * n_u_ * n_h_, 0, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1);
auto R_44_13 = L_.submat(2 * n_u_ * n_h_, 0, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_) - 1);
auto R_44 =
L_.submat(2 * n_u_ * n_h_, 2 * n_u_ * n_h_, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1);
auto R_56_14 =
L_.submat(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_), 0, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + 2 * n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1);
Matrix Lup_Luf_Lyp = R_56_14 * pinv(R_14_14);
auto Lup = Lup_Luf_Lyp.submat(0, 0, n_h_ * n_y_ - 1, n_h_ * n_u_ - 1);
auto Luf =
Lup_Luf_Lyp.submat(0, n_h_ * n_u_, n_h_ * n_y_ - 1, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_ - 1);
auto Lyp = Lup_Luf_Lyp.submat(0, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_, n_h_ * n_y_ - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1);
// aka: R_f
Matrix R_56_16 = L_.submat(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_), 0,
2 * n_h_ * (n_u_ + n_y_) - 1, L_.n_cols - 1);
// from van Overschee subid.m:
// Rf = R((2*m+l)*i+1:2*(m+l)*i,:); % Future outputs
Matrix U;
Matrix V;
switch (wt) {
case kSSIDNone: {
// No weighting. (what van Overschee calls "N4SID")
Matrix O_k_sans_Qt = Lup * R_11_14 + Lyp * R_44_14;
arma::svd(U, s_, V, O_k_sans_Qt, "std");
} break;
case kSSIDMOESP: {
// MOESP weighting
// This is what they use in the "robust" algorithm van Overschee, de Moor
// 1996
Matrix Pi = Matrix(2 * n_h_ * n_u_, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_, fill::eye) -
R_23_13.t() * inv(R_23_13 * R_23_13.t()) * R_23_13;
Matrix O_k_ortho_Uf_sans_Qt =
join_horiz((Lup * R_11_13 + Lyp * R_44_13) * Pi, Lyp * R_44);
svd(U, s_, V, O_k_ortho_Uf_sans_Qt, "std");
} break;
case kSSIDCVA: {
// CVA weighting
// See van Overschee's matlab code (subid.m):
Matrix Pi = Matrix(2 * n_h_ * n_u_, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_, fill::eye) -
R_23_13.t() * inv(R_23_13 * R_23_13.t()) * R_23_13;
Matrix O_k_ortho_Uf_sans_Qt =
join_horiz((Lup * R_11_13 + Lyp * R_44_13) * Pi, Lyp * R_44);
Matrix inv_w1;
Matrix qt1;
lq(inv_w1, qt1, R_56_16); // lq decomp of R_f (future output data)
inv_w1 = trimatl(inv_w1);
inv_w1 = inv_w1.submat(0, 0, n_y_ * n_h_ - 1, n_y_ * n_h_ - 1);
Matrix w_o_w = arma::solve(
inv_w1, O_k_ortho_Uf_sans_Qt); // alternatively
// pinv(inv_W1)*O_k_ortho_Uf_sans_Qt
svd(U, s_, V, w_o_w, "std");
U = inv_w1 * U;
// Truncate to model order (heart of ssid method)
auto s_hat = s_.subvec(0, n_x_ - 1);
Matrix diag_sqrt_s = diagmat(sqrt(s_hat));
auto u_hat = U.submat(0, 0, U.n_rows - 1, n_x_ - 1);
// get extended observability and controllability mats
ext_obs_t_ = u_hat * diag_sqrt_s; // extended observability matrix
template <typename Fit>
void SSID<Fit>::Solve(data_t wt_dc) {
// required submats
auto R_56_14 =
L_.submat(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_), 0, n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + 2 * n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) - 1);
auto R_23_15 = L_.submat(n_h_ * n_u_, 0, 2 * n_h_ * n_u_ - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) + n_y_ - 1);
auto R_66_15 = L_.submat(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) + n_y_, 0,
2 * n_h_ * (n_u_ + n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) + n_y_ - 1);
auto R_55_15 = L_.submat(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_), 0,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) + n_y_ - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) + n_y_ - 1);
auto R_56_15 =
L_.submat(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_), 0, 2 * n_h_ * (n_u_ + n_y_) - 1,
n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) + n_y_ - 1);
// Solve for params using appropriate algorithm:
// robust deterministic/stochastic algorithm in van Overschee 1996
// algorithm that the authors say "works" in practice.
auto ext_obs_tm1 = ext_obs_t_.submat(
0, 0, ext_obs_t_.n_rows - 1 - n_y_,
ext_obs_t_.n_cols - 1); // extended observability matrix
// This is what textbook (1996) says:
// Matrix Tr = join_vert(pinv(ext_obs_t_) * R_56_15, R_23_15);
// HOWEVER, do not know why but have to fill the last place with zeros like
// authors' matlab implementation (see `subid.m`)
// Otherwise, get ridiculous covariances (although A,C estimates are close to
// same...)
Matrix Tr = join_vert(
join_horiz(pinv(ext_obs_t_) * R_56_14, Matrix(n_x_, n_y_, fill::zeros)),
Matrix Tl = join_vert(pinv(ext_obs_tm1) * R_66_15, R_55_15);
Matrix S = Tl * pinv(Tr);
// Use alternative in van Overschee 1996, p. 129. Apparently, should ensure
// stability.
fit_.set_C(ext_obs_t_.submat(0, 0, n_y_ - 1, ext_obs_t_.n_cols - 1));
Matrix ext_obs_t_p1 = join_vert(
ext_obs_t_.submat(n_y_, 0, ext_obs_t_.n_rows - 1, ext_obs_t_.n_cols - 1),
Matrix(n_y_, ext_obs_t_.n_cols, fill::zeros));
fit_.set_A(pinv(ext_obs_t_) * ext_obs_t_p1);
// At this point, van Overschee & de Moor suggest re-calculating ext_obs_t_,
// ext_obs_tm1 from (A, C) because it was just an approximation. This is
ext_obs_tm1 = ext_obs_t_.submat(
0, 0, ext_obs_t_.n_rows - 1 - n_y_,
ext_obs_t_.n_cols - 1); // extended observability matrix
Tl = join_vert(pinv(ext_obs_tm1) * R_66_15, R_55_15);
Tr = join_vert(
join_horiz(pinv(ext_obs_t_) * R_56_14, Matrix(n_x_, n_y_, fill::zeros)),
S = Tl * pinv(Tr);
Matrix Lcurly = S.submat(0, 0, n_x_ + n_y_ - 1, n_x_ - 1) * pinv(ext_obs_t_);
Matrix Mcurly = pinv(ext_obs_tm1);
Matrix Pcurly = Tl - Lcurly * R_56_15;
Vector Pvec = vectorise(Pcurly);
Matrix Qcurly = R_23_15;
// Identify [D; B], assuming D=0 and ensuring DC gain is correct
Matrix sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly(
(n_h_ * (2 * n_u_ + n_y_) + n_y_) * (n_y_ + n_x_), n_u_ * (n_y_ + n_x_),
Matrix eye_ext_obs_tm1(n_y_ + ext_obs_tm1.n_rows, n_y_ + ext_obs_tm1.n_cols,
eye_ext_obs_tm1.submat(n_y_, n_y_, eye_ext_obs_tm1.n_rows - 1,
eye_ext_obs_tm1.n_cols - 1) = ext_obs_tm1;
// van Overschee (1996) p. 126
Matrix N1_Tl = -Lcurly;
N1_Tl.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, N1_Tl.n_cols - 1) +=
join_horiz(Matrix(n_x_, n_y_, fill::zeros), Mcurly);
N1_Tl.submat(n_x_, 0, n_x_ + n_y_ - 1, n_y_ - 1) +=
Matrix(n_y_, n_y_, fill::eye);
Matrix Nk_Tl(N1_Tl.n_rows, N1_Tl.n_cols, fill::zeros);
Matrix N_k;
for (size_t k = 0; k < n_h_; k++) {
auto Qcurly_k =
Qcurly.submat(n_u_ * k, 0, n_u_ * (k + 1) - 1, Qcurly.n_cols - 1);
Nk_Tl.submat(0, 0, n_x_ + n_y_ - 1, Nk_Tl.n_cols - k * n_y_ - 1) =
N1_Tl.submat(0, k * n_y_, N1_Tl.n_rows - 1, N1_Tl.n_cols - 1);
N_k = Nk_Tl * eye_ext_obs_tm1;
sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly += kron(Qcurly_k.t(), N_k);
Matrix err_vec;
if (wt_dc > 0) {
// Constraints enforced by weighted least squares
// Reference:
// Privara S, ..., Ferkl L_. (2010) Subspace Identification of Poorly
// Excited Industrial Systems. Conference in Decision and Control.
// constraint 1: assume D=0 --> remove the components for Dvec (this is
// actually a hard constraint in that it ignores D)
Matrix sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_db = sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly;
sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly =
Matrix(sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_db.n_rows, n_x_ * n_u_);
size_t kkk = 0;
for (size_t k = 1; k < (n_u_ + 1); k++) {
size_t start_idx = k * (n_y_ + n_x_) - n_x_;
for (size_t kk = 0; kk < n_x_; kk++) {
sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly.col(kkk) =
sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_db.col(start_idx + kk);
// constraint 2: Make sure DC I/O gain is correct
Matrix b_to_g0 = fit_.C() * inv(Matrix(n_x_, n_x_, fill::eye) - fit_.A());
Matrix Pvec_Gvec = join_vert(Pvec, vectorise(g_dc_));
Matrix eye_kron_b_to_g0 = kron(Matrix(n_u_, n_u_, fill::eye), b_to_g0);
Matrix sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_b_to_g0 =
join_vert(sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly, eye_kron_b_to_g0);
// Important in practice because I care a lot about at least getting the DC
// gain correct. Put x weight on minimizing error at DC, relative to others
Matrix w(sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_b_to_g0.n_rows,
sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_b_to_g0.n_rows, fill::eye);
// Make weight on minimizing DC error immense so at least that
// should be nailed.
size_t start_row = sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly.n_rows;
size_t start_col = sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly.n_rows;
size_t stop_row = w.n_rows - 1;
size_t stop_col = w.n_cols - 1;
// w.submat(start_row, start_col, stop_row, stop_col) *= wt_dc*N;// scale
// weight with data length?
w.submat(start_row, start_col, stop_row, stop_col) *= wt_dc;
Vector b_vec = inv(sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_b_to_g0.t() * w *
sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_b_to_g0) *
sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly_b_to_g0.t() * w * Pvec_Gvec;
fit_.set_B(Matrix(b_vec.memptr(), n_x_, n_u_));
// Calculate residuals and their cov.
// Because I've added constraints, I need to re-calculate the right term
// with b_vec instead of how van Overschee do in final algorithm.
err_vec = Pvec - sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly * b_vec;
} else {
// default way: *no* constraint on G0 or D=0
Vector db_vec = pinv(sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly) * Pvec;
// TODO(mfbolus) n.b., this gets thrown away...
// Matrix D = Matrix(db_vec.memptr(), n_y_, n_u_);
fit_.set_B(Matrix(db_vec.memptr() + (n_u_ * n_y_), n_x_, n_u_));
err_vec = Pvec - sum_QcurlyT_kron_Ncurly * db_vec;
// Matrix err = Matrix(err_vec.memptr(), Pcurly.n_rows, Pcurly.n_cols);
// TODO(mfbolus): Something is wrong with the error calculation above.
// Use the way van overschee does it in `subid.m`
// WARNING: this ignores any above constraints, so Q, R will be approximate...
Matrix err = Tl - S * Tr;
Matrix cov_err = err * err.t();
fit_.set_Q(cov_err.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ - 1));
fit_.set_R(cov_err.submat(n_x_, n_x_, n_x_ + n_y_ - 1, n_x_ + n_y_ - 1));
template <typename Fit>
void SSID<Fit>::RecomputeExtObs() {
ext_obs_t_.submat(0, 0, n_y_ - 1, ext_obs_t_.n_cols - 1) = fit_.C();
for (size_t k = 2; k < (n_h_ + 1); k++) {
ext_obs_t_.submat((k - 1) * n_y_, 0, k * n_y_ - 1, ext_obs_t_.n_cols - 1) =
ext_obs_t_.submat((k - 2) * n_y_, 0, (k - 1) * n_y_ - 1,
ext_obs_t_.n_cols - 1) *
} // namespace lds
Updated on 19 May 2022 at 17:16:05 Eastern Daylight Time