ldsCtrlEst_h/lds_fit_em.h #
subspace identification More…
Namespaces #
Name |
lds Linear Dynamical Systems (LDS) namespace. |
Classes #
Name | |
class | lds::EM |
Detailed Description #
This file declares the type for fitting a linear dynamical system by expectation-maximization (lds::EM).
Source code #
//===-- ldsCtrlEst_h/lds_fit_em.h - EM Fit ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2021 Michael Bolus
// Copyright 2021 Georgia Institute of Technology
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "lds_fit.h"
namespace lds {
template <typename Fit>
class EM {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<lds::Fit, Fit>::value,
"Fit must be derived from lds::Fit type.");
EM() = default;
EM(size_t n_x, data_t dt, UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& u_train,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& z_train);
EM(const Fit& fit0, UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& u_train,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& z_train);
virtual ~EM() = default;
const Fit& Run(bool calc_dynamics = true, bool calc_Q = true,
bool calc_init = true, bool calc_output = true,
bool calc_measurement = true, size_t max_iter = 100,
data_t tol = 1e-2);
std::tuple<UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>, UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>>
ReturnData() {
auto tuple = std::make_tuple(std::move(u_), std::move(z_));
// auto tuple = std::make_tuple(u_, z_);
u_ = UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>();
z_ = UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>();
return tuple;
const std::vector<Matrix>& x() const { return x_; };
const std::vector<Matrix>& y() const { return y_; };
const Matrix& sum_E_x_t_x_t() const { return sum_E_x_t_x_t_; };
const Matrix& sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1() const { return sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_; };
const Matrix& sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1() const { return sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_; };
size_t n_t_tot() { return n_t_tot_; }
const Vector& theta() const { return theta_; };
void Expectation(bool force_common_initial = false);
void Maximization(bool calc_dynamics = true, bool calc_Q = true,
bool calc_init = false, bool calc_output = false,
bool calc_measurement = false);
void MaximizeDynamics();
void MaximizeQ();
void MaximizeInitial();
virtual void MaximizeOutput() = 0;
virtual void MaximizeMeasurement() = 0;
void Smooth(bool force_common_initial);
virtual void RecurseKe(Matrix& Ke, Cube& P_pre, Cube& P_post, size_t t) = 0;
void Reset();
void InitVars();
Vector UpdateTheta();
// input/output training data
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2> u_;
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2> z_;
std::vector<Matrix> x_;
std::vector<Cube> P_;
std::vector<Cube> P_t_tm1_;
std::vector<Matrix> y_;
Matrix diag_y_;
// expectations calculated in E-step
Matrix sum_E_x_t_x_t_;
Matrix sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_;
Matrix sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_;
Fit fit_;
Vector theta_;
data_t dt_{};
size_t n_u_{};
size_t n_x_{};
size_t n_y_{};
size_t n_trials_{};
std::vector<size_t> n_t_;
size_t n_t_tot_{};
template <typename Fit>
EM<Fit>::EM(size_t n_x, data_t dt, UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& u_train,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& z_train) {
n_u_ =;
n_y_ =;
fit_ = Fit(n_u_, n_x, n_y_, dt);
u_ = std::move(u_train);
z_ = std::move(z_train);
template <typename Fit>
EM<Fit>::EM(const Fit& fit0, UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& u_train,
UniformMatrixList<kMatFreeDim2>&& z_train) {
// make sure fit dims match I/O data
if (fit0.n_u() != {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Initial fit and input training data have inconsistent dimensions");
if (fit0.n_y() != {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Initial fit and output training data have inconsistent dimensions");
fit_ = fit0;
u_ = std::move(u_train);
z_ = std::move(z_train);
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::InitVars() {
// check input/output data dimensions are consistent
if (z_.size() != u_.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"I/O training data have different number of trials.");
n_trials_ = u_.size();
n_t_tot_ = 0;
n_t_ = std::vector<size_t>(n_trials_);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < n_trials_; trial++) {
if ( != {
throw std::runtime_error(
"I/O training data have different number of time steps.");
n_t_[trial] =;
n_t_tot_ += n_t_[trial];
n_u_ = fit_.n_u();
n_x_ = fit_.n_x();
n_y_ = fit_.n_y();
dt_ = fit_.dt();
x_ = std::vector<Matrix>(n_trials_);
P_ = std::vector<Cube>(n_trials_);
P_t_tm1_ = std::vector<Cube>(n_trials_);
y_ = std::vector<Matrix>(n_trials_);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < n_trials_; trial++) {
x_[trial] = Matrix(n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
P_[trial] = Cube(n_x_, n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
P_t_tm1_[trial] = Cube(n_x_, n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
y_[trial] = Matrix(n_y_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
diag_y_ = Matrix(n_y_, n_y_, fill::zeros);
// covariances in expectation step
sum_E_x_t_x_t_ = Matrix(n_x_, n_x_, fill::zeros);
sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_ = Matrix(n_x_ + n_u_, n_x_ + n_u_, fill::zeros);
sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_ = Matrix(n_x_ + n_u_, n_x_ + n_u_, fill::zeros);
template <typename Fit>
const Fit& EM<Fit>::Run(bool calc_dynamics, bool calc_Q, bool calc_init,
bool calc_output, bool calc_measurement,
size_t max_iter, data_t tol) {
Reset(); // to initial conditions
size_t n_params =
3 * n_x_ * n_x_ + n_x_ * n_u_ + n_x_ + n_y_ * n_x_ + n_y_ * n_y_;
Vector theta(n_params);
Vector theta_new(n_params);
data_t max_dtheta = 1;
// if solving for initial conditions, allow them be varied.
// otherwise, freeze at provided values.
bool force_common_initial = !calc_init;
// go until parameter convergence
for (size_t l = 0; l < max_iter; l++) {
theta_ = UpdateTheta();
std::cout << "Iteration " << l + 1 << "/" << max_iter << " ...\n";
Maximization(calc_dynamics, calc_Q, calc_init, calc_output,
// check convergence
theta_new = UpdateTheta();
Vector dtheta = abs(theta_new - theta_) / abs(theta_);
// some parameters could be zero...
arma::uvec ubi_finite = find_finite(dtheta);
max_dtheta = max(dtheta.elem(ubi_finite));
std::cout << "max dtheta: " << max_dtheta << "\n";
if (max_dtheta < tol) {
std::cout << "Converged.\n";
std::cout << "\n";
return fit_;
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::Smooth(bool force_common_initial) {
Matrix k_e(n_x_, n_y_); // estimator gain
Cube k_backfilt; // back-filtering gains
// TODO(mfbolus): this loop could be made parallel
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
Matrix x_pre(n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
Cube p_pre(n_x_, n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
Matrix x_post(n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
Cube p_post(n_x_, n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
if (force_common_initial) // forces all trials to have same initial
// conditions.
x_[trial].col(0) = fit_.x0();
P_[trial].slice(0) = fit_.P0();
y_[trial].col(0) = fit_.C() * x_[trial].col(0) + fit_.d();
// This *should not* be necessary but make sure P is symmetric.
x_pre.col(0) = x_[trial].col(0);
p_pre.slice(0) = P_[trial].slice(0);
x_post.col(0) = x_[trial].col(0);
p_post.slice(0) = P_[trial].slice(0);
// filter
for (size_t t = 1; t < n_t_[trial]; t++) {
// predict
fit_.f(x_pre, x_post,, t);
fit_.h(y_[trial], x_pre, t);
diag_y_.diag() = y_[trial].col(t); // TODO(mfbolus): change if parallel
// update --> posterior estimation
RecurseKe(k_e, p_pre, p_post, t);
x_post.col(t) =
x_pre.col(t) + k_e * ( - y_[trial].col(t));
y_[trial].col(t) = fit_.C() * x_post.col(t) + fit_.d();
// backfilter -> Smoothed estimate
// Reference:
// Shumway et Stoffer (1982)
ForceSymPD(p_post.slice(n_t_[trial] - 1));
k_backfilt = Cube(n_x_, n_x_, n_t_[trial], fill::zeros);
x_[trial].col(n_t_[trial] - 1) = x_post.col(n_t_[trial] - 1);
P_[trial].slice(n_t_[trial] - 1) = p_post.slice(n_t_[trial] - 1);
for (size_t t = (n_t_[trial] - 1); t > 0; t--) {
// TODO(mfmbolus): should not be necessary to force symm positive def
ForceSymPD(p_post.slice(t - 1));
k_backfilt.slice(t - 1) =
p_post.slice(t - 1) * fit_.A().t() * inv_sympd(p_pre.slice(t));
x_[trial].col(t - 1) =
x_post.col(t - 1) +
k_backfilt.slice(t - 1) * (x_[trial].col(t) - x_pre.col(t));
P_[trial].slice(t - 1) =
p_post.slice(t - 1) + k_backfilt.slice(t - 1) *
(P_[trial].slice(t) - p_pre.slice(t)) *
k_backfilt.slice(t - 1).t();
// do the same for P_t_tm1
Matrix id(n_x_, n_x_, fill::eye);
P_t_tm1_[trial].slice(n_t_[trial] - 1) =
(id - k_e * fit_.C()) * fit_.A() * p_post.slice(n_t_[trial] - 2);
for (size_t t = (n_t_[trial] - 1); t > 1; t--) {
P_t_tm1_[trial].slice(t - 1) =
p_post.slice(t - 1) * k_backfilt.slice(t - 2).t() +
k_backfilt.slice(t - 1) *
(P_t_tm1_[trial].slice(t) - fit_.A() * p_post.slice(t - 1)) *
k_backfilt.slice(t - 2).t();
// finally, get smoothed estimate of output
for (size_t t = 0; t < n_t_[trial]; t++) {
fit_.h(y_[trial], x_[trial], t);
} // samps loop
} // trial loop
} // Smooth
// template <typename Fit>
// void EM<Fit>::RecurseKe(Matrix& Ke, Cube& P_pre, Cube& P_post, size_t t) {
// // predict covar
// P_pre.slice(t) = fit_.A() * P_post.slice(t - 1) * fit_.A().t() + fit_.Q();
// // update Ke
// Ke = P_pre.slice(t) * fit_.C().t() *
// inv_sympd(fit_.C() * P_pre.slice(t) * fit_.C().t() + fit_.R());
// // update cov
// // Reference: Ghahramani et Hinton (1996)
// P_post.slice(t) = P_pre.slice(t) - Ke * fit_.C() * P_pre.slice(t);
// // // n.b. for poisson :
// // P_pre.slice(t) = fit_.A() * P_post.slice(t - 1) * fit_.A().t() +
// fit_.Q();
// // // update cov
// // P_post.slice(t) = pinv(pinv(P_pre.slice(t)) + fit_.C().t() * diag_y_ *
// // fit_.C());
// // // update Ke
// // Ke = P_post.slice(t) * fit_.C();
// }
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::Expectation(bool force_common_initial) {
// calculate the mean/cov of state needed for maximizing E[pr(z|theta)]
// now get the various forms of sum(E[xx']) needed
// n.b. Going to start at t=1 rather than 0 bc most max terms need that.
// so really "n_t_tot_" is (n_t_tot_-1)
n_t_tot_ = 0;
sum_E_x_t_x_t_ = Matrix(n_x_, n_x_, fill::zeros);
sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_ = Matrix(n_x_ + n_u_, n_x_ + n_u_, fill::zeros);
sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_ = Matrix(n_x_ + n_u_, n_x_ + n_u_, fill::zeros);
Vector xu_tm1(n_x_ + n_u_, fill::zeros);
Vector xu_t(n_x_ + n_u_, fill::zeros);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
for (size_t t = 1; t < n_t_[trial]; t++) {
// ------------ sum_E_x_t_x_t ------------
sum_E_x_t_x_t_ += x_[trial].col(t) * x_[trial].col(t).t();
sum_E_x_t_x_t_ += P_[trial].slice(t);
// ------------ sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1 ------------
xu_tm1 = join_vert(x_[trial].col(t - 1), - 1));
sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_ += xu_tm1 * xu_tm1.t();
sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ - 1) +=
P_[trial].slice(t - 1);
// ------------ sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1 ------------
xu_t = join_vert(x_[trial].col(t),;
sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_ += xu_t * xu_tm1.t();
sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ - 1) +=
n_t_tot_ += 1;
} // time
} // trial
} // Expectation
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::Maximization(bool calc_dynamics, bool calc_Q, bool calc_init,
bool calc_output, bool calc_measurement) {
if (calc_output) {
if (calc_measurement) {
if (calc_dynamics) {
if (calc_Q) {
if (calc_init) {
} // Maximization
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::MaximizeDynamics() {
// Shumway, Stoffer (1982); Ghahgramani, Hinton (1996)
Matrix ab = sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1) *
fit_.set_A(ab.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ - 1));
fit_.set_B(ab.submat(0, n_x_, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1));
std::cout << "A_new[0]: " << fit_.A()[0] << "\n";
std::cout << "B_new[0]: " << fit_.B()[0] << "\n";
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::MaximizeQ() {
// // Shumway, Stoffer (1982); Ghahgramani, Hinton (1996)
// View sum_e_x_t_xu_tm1 =
// sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1);
// Matrix q = sum_E_x_t_x_t_ - sum_e_x_t_xu_tm1 *
// inv_sympd(sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_) *
// sum_e_x_t_xu_tm1.t();
// q /= n_t_tot_;
// this way is same as above iff dynamics were just updated:
// View sum_e_x_t_xu_tm1 =
// sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1);
// Matrix ab = arma::join_horiz(fit_.A(), fit_.B());
// Matrix q = sum_E_x_t_x_t_ - ab * sum_e_x_t_xu_tm1.t();
// q /= n_t_tot_;
// From scratch method:
// Q is covariance of the error between state and dynamics-predicted state
// (aka process noise)
// Q* = E[(x_t - Ax_{t-1} - Bu_{t-1})*(x_t - Ax_{t-1} - Bu_{t-1})']
// t-1 terms:
View sum_e_x_tm1_x_tm1 =
sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ - 1);
View sum_e_u_tm1_u_tm1 =
sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_.submat(n_x_, n_x_, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1);
View sum_e_x_tm1_u_tm1 =
sum_E_xu_tm1_xu_tm1_.submat(0, n_x_, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1);
// t, t-1 terms:
View sum_e_x_t_x_tm1 = sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ - 1);
View sum_e_x_t_u_tm1 =
sum_E_xu_t_xu_tm1_.submat(0, n_x_, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ + n_u_ - 1);
Matrix q = sum_E_x_t_x_t_;
q += fit_.A() * sum_e_x_tm1_x_tm1 * fit_.A().t();
q -= sum_e_x_t_x_tm1 * fit_.A().t();
q -= fit_.A() * sum_e_x_t_x_tm1.t();
// input-related terms:
q += fit_.B() * sum_e_u_tm1_u_tm1 * fit_.B().t();
q -= sum_e_x_t_u_tm1 * fit_.B().t();
q -= fit_.B() * sum_e_x_t_u_tm1.t();
q += fit_.A() * sum_e_x_tm1_u_tm1 * fit_.B().t();
q += fit_.B() * sum_e_x_tm1_u_tm1.t() * fit_.A().t();
q /= n_t_tot_;
std::cout << "Q_new[0]: " << fit_.Q()[0] << "\n";
// std::cout << "Q_new: \n" << fit_.Q() << "\n";
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::MaximizeInitial() {
Vector x0 = fit_.x0();
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
x0 += x_[trial].col(0);
x0 /= z_.size();
std::cout << "x0_new[0]: " << x0[0] << "\n";
// always recalc P0 even if the initial state is fixed (at zero, for
// example)
Matrix e_var(n_x_, n_x_, fill::zeros);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
e_var += (x_[trial].col(0) - x0) * (x_[trial].col(0) - x0).t();
e_var /= z_.size();
// go ahead and subtract x0*x0' so don't have to below.
e_var -= x0 * x0.t();
// To get P0, going to get initial P_ per trial and average.
// (which might be wrong, but need a single number)
Matrix p0 = fit_.P0();
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
p0 +=
(x_[trial].col(0) * x_[trial].col(0).t()) + P_[trial].slice(0) + e_var;
p0 /= z_.size();
std::cout << "P0_new[0]: " << fit_.P0()[0] << "\n";
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::MaximizeOutput() {
// solve for C+d:
Matrix sum_zx(n_y_, n_x_ + 1, fill::zeros);
Vector x1(n_x_ + 1, fill::zeros);
x1[n_x_] = 1.0; // augment with one to solve for bias
Matrix sum_e_x1_x1(n_x_ + 1, n_x_ + 1, fill::zeros);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
for (size_t t = 1; t < n_t_[trial]; t++) {
x1.subvec(0, n_x_ - 1) = x_[trial].col(t);
sum_zx += * x1.t();
sum_e_x1_x1 += x1 * x1.t();
sum_e_x1_x1.submat(0, 0, n_x_ - 1, n_x_ - 1) += P_[trial].slice(t);
Matrix cd = sum_zx * inv_sympd(sum_e_x1_x1);
fit_.set_C(cd.submat(0, 0, n_y_ - 1, n_x_ - 1));
fit_.set_d(vectorise(cd.submat(0, n_x_, n_y_ - 1, n_x_)));
std::cout << "C_new[0]: " << fit_.C()[0] << "\n";
std::cout << "d_new[0]: " << fit_.d()[0] << "\n";
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::MaximizeMeasurement() {
// Solve for measurement noise covar
size_t n_t_tot = 0;
// Ghahgramani, Hinton 1996:
Matrix sum_zz(n_y_, n_y_, fill::zeros);
Matrix sum_yz(n_y_, n_y_, fill::zeros);
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < z_.size(); trial++) {
for (size_t t = 1; t < n_t_[trial]; t++) {
sum_zz += *;
// Use Cnew:
sum_yz +=
(fit_.C() * x_[trial].col(t) + fit_.d()) *;
n_t_tot += 1;
fit_.set_R((sum_zz - sum_yz) / n_t_tot);
std::cout << "R_new[0]: " << fit_.R()[0] << "\n";
template <typename Fit>
void EM<Fit>::Reset() {
// reset to initial conditions
for (size_t trial = 0; trial < n_trials_; trial++) {
x_[trial].col(0) = fit_.x0();
P_[trial].slice(0) = fit_.P0();
y_[trial].col(0) = fit_.C() * x_[trial].col(0) + fit_.d();
template <typename Fit>
Vector EM<Fit>::UpdateTheta() {
// TODO(mfbolus): This should include n_y_ more params for d.
size_t n_params = 3 * n_x_ * n_x_ + n_x_ * n_u_ + n_x_ + n_y_ * n_x_ + n_y_;
if (fit_.R().n_elem > 0) {
n_params += n_y_ * n_y_;
Vector theta(n_params);
size_t idx_start = 0;
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_x_ * n_x_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.A());
idx_start += n_x_ * n_x_;
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_x_ * n_u_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.B());
idx_start += n_x_ * n_u_;
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_x_ * n_x_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.Q());
idx_start += n_x_ * n_x_;
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_x_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.x0());
idx_start += n_x_;
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_x_ * n_x_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.P0());
idx_start += n_x_ * n_x_;
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_y_ * n_x_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.C());
idx_start += n_y_ * n_x_;
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_y_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.d());
idx_start += n_y_;
if (fit_.R().n_elem > 0) {
theta.subvec(idx_start, idx_start + n_y_ * n_y_ - 1) = vectorise(fit_.R());
return theta;
} // namespace lds
Updated on 19 May 2022 at 17:16:05 Eastern Daylight Time